Pan - God of Harvest
Pan is the spirit of wild, irrepressible life essence. He is a Great God of tremendous power, the Lord of fertility, wild nature, ecstatic music, wild goats, shepherds, flocks and hunters. He bestows musical skill. Pan’s nature of one of paradox. He was an uncivilised god in a civilised world. Much like the goat, which could never truly be domesticated, Pan always retained a bit of his feral nature. Though he lived wild and free in the mountains of Arcadia, he also liked the comforts of civilisation such as wine, women, and song. Maybe the reason that Pan was often referred to as “The God heard, but not seen” is because of His love for wildness and freedom and his longing for civilisation and its benefits. Pan is most often heard through his pan pipe than actually seen.
The call of Pan
"I want you to forget right and wrong; to be as happy as the beasts, as careless as the flowers and the birds. To live to the depths of your nature as well as to the heights. Truly there are stars in the heights and they will be a garland for your forehead. But the depths are equal to the heights. Wondrous deep are the depths, very fertile is the lowest deep. There are stars there also, brighter than the stars on high. The name of the heights is Wisdom and the name of the depths is Love. How shall they come together and be fruitful if you do not plunge deeply and fearlessly? Wisdom is the spirit and the wings of the spirit, Love is the shaggy beast that goes down. Gallantly he dives, below thought, beyond Wisdom, to rise again as high above these as he had first descended. Wisdom is righteous and clean, but Love is unclean and holy. The Crown of Life is not lodged in the sun: the wise gods have buried it deeply where the thoughtful will not find it, nor the good: but the Gay Ones, the Adventurous Ones, the Careless Plungers, they will bring it to the wise and astonish them. All things are seen in the light—How shall we value that which is easy to see? But the precious things which are hidden, they will be more precious for our search: they will be beautiful with our sorrow: they will be noble because of our desire for them. Come away with me, Shepherd Girl, through the fields, and we will be careless and happy, and we will leave thought to find us when it can, for that is the duty of thought, and it is more anxious to discover us than we are to be found.” - From The Crock of Gold by James Stephens, 1912
Pan comes with some sage tips and a Chrysoprase stone = connect with nature stone.
Measurements are: 25cm(H) x 11cm(W) x 11cm(D)